Thursday, December 29, 2005

How To Party Like Leonardo Da Vinci


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How To Party Like Leonardo Da Vinci

Author: Maya Talisman Frost

After studying scores of great thinkers like Leonardo Da Vinci, I think I've stumbled upon what really set them apart from the rest of the folks living (and thinking) at the same time.

It's remarkably simple. They learned how to entertain a thought.

Aristotle said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Hmmm. To entertain a thought without accepting it.

We need to do that. Everyone needs to learn how to be a good host or hostess to new ideas. In fact, our goal should be to become the Martha Stewart of mental entertaining!

What if you treated a new thought like a guest?

It's easier to think about mental entertaining if we put together a to-do list, just like Martha. Here it is:

#1 Make the first move.

First of all, you issue an invitation. Nothing fancy. You don't have to make any major investment or lifelong commitment. You're simply inviting this person in.

It's the same with initiating the entertainment of an idea. You might see a quote on the side of a bus somewhere, and decide you'd like to explore that concept more deeply. Or, maybe you find yourself bumping into the same topic all the time, and so you make up your mind to learn more about it. Either way, you need to be ready to initiate the process. Don't hide--you won't meet new ideas if you scurry away whenever the doorbell rings.

#2 Prepare.

Uh-oh. Your house is a mess. You'd better do some cleaning. You're not really trying to impress, but hey, you could certainly do some sprucing up and get the place looking neat and inviting.

Prepare for a new thought in the same way. Make some space in your mind to think about something new. According to Deepak Chopra, the well-known author on health and longevity, the average human has 60,000 thoughts a day. Pretty impressive? Well, here's the kicker: 57,000 of those are the same ones you had YESTERDAY! Now that's some serious clutter! Get rid of a few of those dusty old thoughts and make room for new ones.

#3 Offer a warm greeting.

When your new guest arrives, be warm and inviting. After all, you're hoping to start a friendship. Put your best foot forward.

It's the same with an idea. If you confront it with skepticism, fear or detachment, you won't be entertaining it for long. You'll be eyeing your watch, yawning, or looking for a way to end the discussion early. You've got to be open and full of anticipation to prepare an environment in which new ideas will be explored and integrated fully. Just as it's no fair making lame excuses or having your friend call to interrupt the visit, it's also cheating to cut out too soon when it comes to entertaining an idea.

#4 Make introductions.

This is the big one. You would certainly introduce your guest to everyone at the party, with a special effort to connect them to those with whom they may have something in common.

Any new idea you consider will be more likely to be welcomed if you actively and intentionally introduce it to your other ideas and interests. Look for unusual and inspired pairings. How does it fit? Where does it fit? DOES it fit? You won't know until you try.

Picture Leonardo Da Vinci's mental entertaining. His new idea, Human Flight, arrives, and immediately Leo sets about introducing him to others. "Human, meet my good friend, Engineering, and his lovely wife, Fabric Design. Oh, and have you met Bird Anatomy? She lives just around the corner from you. Oh, Dr. Entomology has arrived! Listen, Dr. E is absolutely brilliant, but a bit hard of hearing. Ask her about her recent work on the wings of insects! Now, you all make yourselves comfy and I'll go get some more wine."

What happened at that party? Leonardo threw these ideas together, and BAM! What emerged was the idea for a perfectly designed parachute as well as a remarkable helicopter--hundreds of years before the Wright brothers started building their flying machines! Talk about a soaring success! Don't you wish you'd been there?

#5 Offer the best seat in the house.

You usually sit in that nice chair there by the fireplace, but when a special guest comes over, you graciously offer it.

When you are entertaining a new thought, give it the consideration it deserves. Every time you think a new thought, your brain is actually creating a new neural pathway. It's like a jungle in there, full of nerve endings and ganglia and all kinds of connections. Help it along. Make it comfortable.

Once you've considered an idea, that pathway is there. All you have to do to keep it "live" is to keep going down that path often enough to clear the trail, but not so often that it becomes a rut.

#6 Listen, inquire, and show interest.

Ask questions. Dig a little deeper. Find the connections to other people, places, and activities. Learn as much as you can about your new idea.

#7 Relinquish control.

Just like when you introduce guests to each other, you should not try to control the outcome. Some guests might hate each other on sight, while others click instantly. People might argue, or a married guest might sneak off to a back room with someone other than their partner. Anything can happen!

That's not up to you. You're having this party to offer an opportunity for people to connect. Make introductions, insert a few comments, smile and acknowledge everyone, but for the most part, just let things happen. Don't direct the flow of ideas.

#8 Leave room for future possibilities.

Even if you decide this new acquaintance of yours is insufferable, you don't want to burn any bridges. Be gracious, and be glad you were excellent enough to offer the invitation.

You're not going to like every idea that comes your way. And you might not find any other interest or idea that connects with it initially. That's fine. You need to develop the ability to recognize useful concepts and distinguish valuable and valid ideas from those lacking a strong foundation. That's what critical thinking is all about.

But you also need to file that idea away so that you can look it up if and when you DO meet a likely candidate for another gathering of thoughts.

There is a great deal of room for different styles of mental entertaining. Maybe you're best at dealing with only two ideas at a time, or maybe you want to throw a huge bash and welcome all comers.

Entertain in whatever style suits you. Tete-a-tete or bacchanal--it doesn't matter, as long as it's happening.

Learn how to entertain a thought. With a little effort, you'll become a perfect host or hostess to new ideas that come your way. And guess what? You'll have no hangover, no cleaning up, and no regrets.

Party on!

About The Author

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her course, Massage Your Mind!: Defining Your Life Philosophy, has inspired thinkers in over 70 countries around the world. Maya publishes the Friday Mind Massage, a free weekly ezine serving up a satisfying blend of clarity, comfort and comic relief. To learn more, visit or today!


dehydration treatment

drug and alcohol

effects of alcohol

Discover water and here.

waterDiscover water and here. This There's a theory that substances called congeners found in wine and spirit colourings and additives magnify the effects of a hangover and irritate the stomach lining. This is why white wines and clear spirits such as vodka are said to cause fewer hangovers.Walking home in the fresh air after a night out can help to reduce the effects of a hangover. If you can't manage this, though, take a taxi home or get a lift from someone who's sober - never drive.Before you go to bed,

Discover rehydration and here.

rehydrationDiscover rehydration and here. This is excellent. You get There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.Slight headache.Stomach feels crappy.You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards.You've had 4 cups of c

Discover purified water and here.

purified waterDiscover purified water and here. This Drink clear alcohol. Dark alcohol tends to contain a substance called cogeners.These types of alcohols are more likely to cause hangover symptoms. White wine, vodkas, light rum are examples of clear alcohols. Red wine, dark rum, sherry, brandy are high in cogeners. Beer is in between, mostly depending on how dark it is. This difference has no effect on how drunk a woman can get, only the liklihood and severity of hang-overs.The food thing. Everyone knows

Discover prevent hangover and here.

prevent hangover Discover prevent hangover and here. This You have a second heartbeat in your head,which is actually annoying the employee who sits in the next cube.Vodka vapor is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy.You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth in an attempt to get the remnants of the shit fairy out.Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva, so your tongue is suffocating you.Death seems pretty good right now.You definitely don't rem

Discover hangover symptom and here.

hangover symptom Discover hangover symptom and here. This But even after a drinker has sobered up,alcohol can still be causing the body trouble.More than 75 percent of alcohol consumers have experienced a hangover at least once;15 percent have one at least every month;and 25 percent of college students feel symptoms weekly.Hangovers have plagued people throughout history.The Bible even makes mention of the pain that follows a night of heavy drinking:"Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning,that they

Discover hugehangover and here.

hugehangoverDiscover hugehangover and here. This There's a theory that substances called congeners found in wine and spirit colourings and additives magnify the effects of a hangover and irritate the stomach lining. This is why white wines and clear spirits such as vodka are said to cause fewer hangovers.Walking home in the fresh air after a night out can help to reduce the effects of a hangover. If you can't manage this, though, take a taxi home or get a lift from someone who's sober - never drive.Before y

Discover how to get rid of a hangover and here.

how to get rid of a hangover Discover how to get rid of a hangover and here. This You have a second heartbeat in your head,which is actually annoying the employee who sits in the next cube.Vodka vapor is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy.You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth in an attempt to get the remnants of the shit fairy out.Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva, so your tongue is suffocating you.Death seems pretty good right now.

Discover hangover prevention and here.

hangover prevention Discover hangover prevention and here. This It is important to pay attention to the presentation as well as the type of meal you will be preparing.Presentable glass bottles and the appropriate stemware are as much a necessity as the meal itself.If you only drink wine,you have to make sure the temperature of the x2o water is not lower then the temperature of the wine.White Wine is usually served slightly chilled.Proper hydration can drastically reduce the hangover effect and it�s great fo

Discover hangover remedy and here.

hangover remedy Discover hangover remedy and here. This No more alcohol. The health-care pros generally believe that if, after a night of karaoke and greenish cocktails, you wake up all fuzzy-tongued and nauseous and that bottle of six-year-old cr�me de menthe on the night stand still looks good to you, you've got a problem. More booze the day after is just gonna make things worse.Beware of coffee. Most of us blindly stretch out a shaky hand for the coffee cure-all based on the hypothesis that it usually wa

Discover hangover relief and here.

hangover relief Discover hangover relief and here. This is excellent. You get There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.Slight headache.Stomach feels crappy.You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards.You've had 4

Discover hangover cure and here.

hangover cure Discover hangover cure and here. This There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.Slight headache.Stomach feels crappy.You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards.You've had 4 cups of coffee,a gallon of

Discover hangover pill and here.

hangover pill Discover hangover pill and here. This If she has a weak stomach,skips the bubbles.Get some more sugar in here too.hink about how fattening getting drunk and preventing the hangover is. Six alcohol drinks, 2 brownies, and 4 sugar-based drinks--a whopping 2100 calories. Will a woman's social life improve by becoming a fat, drunk woman?More Water. The dehydration of getting drunk actually stimulates the body to absorb water from the brain, which in fact shrinks a bit. This causes the headaches, d

Discover hangover home remedy and here.

hangover home remedy Discover hangover home remedy and here. This You have a second heartbeat in your head,which is actually annoying the employee who sits in the next cube.Vodka vapor is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy.You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth in an attempt to get the remnants of the shit fairy out.Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva, so your tongue is suffocating you.Death seems pretty good right now.You definitely d

Discover effects of alcohol and here.

effects of alcohol Discover effects of alcohol and here. This is excellent. You get There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.Slight headache.Stomach feels crappy.You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards.You've

Discover fetal alcohol syndrome and here.

fetal alcohol syndrome Discover fetal alcohol syndrome and here. This No more alcohol. The health-care pros generally believe that if, after a night of karaoke and greenish cocktails, you wake up all fuzzy-tongued and nauseous and that bottle of six-year-old cr�me de menthe on the night stand still looks good to you, you've got a problem. More booze the day after is just gonna make things worse.Beware of coffee. Most of us blindly stretch out a shaky hand for the coffee cure-all based on the hypothesis that

Discover hangover and here.

hangover Discover hangover and here. This But even after a drinker has sobered up,alcohol can still be causing the body trouble.More than 75 percent of alcohol consumers have experienced a hangover at least once;15 percent have one at least every month;and 25 percent of college students feel symptoms weekly.Hangovers have plagued people throughout history.The Bible even makes mention of the pain that follows a night of heavy drinking:"Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning,that they may follow stro

Discover dehydration treatment and here.

dehydration treatment Discover dehydration treatment and here. This But even after a drinker has sobered up,alcohol can still be causing the body trouble.More than 75 percent of alcohol consumers have experienced a hangover at least once;15 percent have one at least every month;and 25 percent of college students feel symptoms weekly.Hangovers have plagued people throughout history.The Bible even makes mention of the pain that follows a night of heavy drinking:"Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning

Discover dehydration sign and here.

dehydration sign Discover dehydration sign and here. This is excellent. You get There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.Slight headache.Stomach feels crappy.You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards.You've had

Discover dehydration symptom and here.

dehydration symptom Discover dehydration symptom and here. This Then you inadvertently turn your head too quickly and smell the funk of 13 packs of cigarettes in your hair.Suddenly you realize you were smoking,but not ultra lights.some jackass handed you Marlboro reds,and you smoked them like it was your second full time job.You look in the mirror only to see remnants of the stamp "Ready to Rock" faintly atop your forehead.the stamp on the back of your hand that has magically appeared on your forehead by al

Discover cause dehydration and here.

cause dehydration Discover cause dehydration and here. This It is important to pay attention to the presentation as well as the type of meal you will be preparing.Presentable glass bottles and the appropriate stemware are as much a necessity as the meal itself.If you only drink wine,you have to make sure the temperature of the x2o water is not lower then the temperature of the wine.White Wine is usually served slightly chilled.Proper hydration can drastically reduce the hangover effect and it�s great for yo

Discover chaser hangover and here.

chaser hangover Discover chaser hangover and here. This There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.Slight headache.Stomach feels crappy.You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards.You've had 4 cups of coffee,a gallo

Discover dehydration and here.

dehydration Discover dehydration and here. This Then you inadvertently turn your head too quickly and smell the funk of 13 packs of cigarettes in your hair.Suddenly you realize you were smoking,but not ultra lights.some jackass handed you Marlboro reds,and you smoked them like it was your second full time job.You look in the mirror only to see remnants of the stamp "Ready to Rock" faintly atop your forehead.the stamp on the back of your hand that has magically appeared on your forehead by alcoholic osmosis.

Discover alcohol treatment and here.

alcohol treatment Discover alcohol treatment and here. This There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.Slight headache.Stomach feels crappy.You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86'd you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards.You've had 4 cups of coffee,a g

Discover alcohol rehab and here.

alcohol rehab Discover alcohol rehab and here. This It is important to pay attention to the presentation as well as the type of meal you will be preparing.Presentable glass bottles and the appropriate stemware are as much a necessity as the meal itself.If you only drink wine,you have to make sure the temperature of the x2o water is not lower then the temperature of the wine.White Wine is usually served slightly chilled.Proper hydration can drastically reduce the hangover effect and it�s great for your compl

Discover alcohol poisoning and here.

alcohol poisoning Discover alcohol poisoning and here. This is excellent. You get Here it is: the fruit of all our painstaking research, The Almighty Hangover Emergency Cure. While the ingredients in this kit are based on hard science and not personal mythology, it must be said that there really is no cure for a hangover in the same sense that penicillin is a cure for an infection. There are several things, however, that you can put into your body to ease the pain and assist rapid recovery, including a litt

Discover alcohol dehydration and here.

alcohol dehydration Discover alcohol dehydration and here. This One's weight is also a factor (the less you weigh,the more you'll feel it),as is a genetic predisposition.Finally,the older you get,the more you'll feel the alcohol the next morning.You're alive. Give yourself a pat on the back. Sure, someone is trying to drive an iron spike into the back of your skull with a huge mallet, and what used to be mere colors and sounds are now interesting new species of pain, but you're still alive. You didn't choke

Discover alcohol abuse and here.

alcohol abuse Discover alcohol abuse and here. This Part of being young is being stupid, and anyone who tells you that he or she has never gotten drunk is either lying, boring, a Mormon, or some combination thereof. But just because so many people get drunk doesn't make it OK. A recent survey found that 3 out of every 5 college students have engaged in binge drinking.Binge drinking completely thrashes your liver and kidneys,not to mention puts you at risk of death via alcohol overdose.But you don't need us

Discover alcohol 120 and here.

alcohol 120 Discover alcohol 120 and here. This Then you inadvertently turn your head too quickly and smell the funk of 13 packs of cigarettes in your hair.Suddenly you realize you were smoking,but not ultra lights.some jackass handed you Marlboro reds,and you smoked them like it was your second full time job.You look in the mirror only to see remnants of the stamp "Ready to Rock" faintly atop your forehead.the stamp on the back of your hand that has magically appeared on your forehead by alcoholic osmosis.

Discover alcohol and here.

alcohol Discover alcohol and here. This One's weight is also a factor (the less you weigh,the more you'll feel it),as is a genetic predisposition.Finally,the older you get,the more you'll feel the alcohol the next morning.You're alive. Give yourself a pat on the back. Sure, someone is trying to drive an iron spike into the back of your skull with a huge mallet, and what used to be mere colors and sounds are now interesting new species of pain, but you're still alive. You didn't choke on your own vomit. Smal


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Preparing Your Business For January


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Preparing Your Business For January

Author: Adam Senour

Why Worry About January During the Holiday Season?

Over the first couple of weeks of December, I have been in meetings and had telephone discussions with clients who have no interest in targeting their promotional efforts for the holiday season. They have, instead, chosen to focus their efforts on promoting websites during the month of January.

At first, I found the logic very confusing based on a common misconception. Why market during the month of January? Most people tend to have a "post-holiday hangover". They've spent hundreds, and in many cases thousands, of dollars on presents. They've spent time with their loved ones. The parties have come and gone.

Upon thinking about the logic from a different angle, a unique opportunity for the savvy North American marketer revealed itself.

The month of January presents a unique opportunity for intelligent entrepreneurs. Because of the increase in business that the holiday season provides, most businesses tend to neglect or reduce their marketing efforts throughout the winter months, electing to focus their energy on the spring and summer months instead.

Many companies will launch new campaigns during the Super Bowl in order to take advantage of the international mass exposure created by the annual NFL football climax. However, this is a highly expensive proposition and as a result of the budgetary constraints and risk such advertising presents, these companies will often elect to minimize or halt all other advertising efforts until the Super Bowl itself.

Since the Super Bowl occurs on either the final Sunday in January or the first Sunday in February, a huge 4-week marketing gap occurs for a company that chooses to take advantage of it.

Companies with business-to-business products and services can take advantage of the month of January to release these products and services as well. Many companies and organizations, such as school boards and some manufacturing plants, give their employees a paid 2-week Christmas vacation. As a result, these employees return to work rested, alert, and more receptive to new ideas and ways to better improve efficiency. In fact, many companies use the winter months for the purposes of making their operations more efficient and profitable.

This article will focus on two companies as case studies. The first company, Hibiscus Florals, is an online silk wedding florist targeting North American brides-to-be. The second, Innovolve, is a Canadian conference, event, and association management company specializing in sustainable business growth.

Hibiscus Florals

Hibiscus Florals co-owner Mark Morkowski has been an extremely busy man during the last few weeks. "Many of our brides begin preparations for their weddings just after the holiday season," says Mark. "This means that the first three months of a new year are a peak season for our silk wedding flowers, and it is crucial that we are prepared to both attract and accept the potential business that can be generated in this period."

"The month of December is being used exclusively to prepare for the New Year."

Some of the things Hibiscus Florals are doing to prepare include:

  1. Online marketing and promotion. "We're doing everything in our power to make sure our website is visible in as many ways as possible," says Mark. "Our market has such a large geographic base that we cannot possibly reach all of them via conventional offline means."

    "We have customers from all over Canada and the United States, from Hawaii to Newfoundland, and our website and email marketing efforts are crucial to our overall business plan."

  2. New products. "We're in the final stages of preparing some unique new collections for our brides. We've decided to create more silk flower wedding packages, based on the feedback we have received and some commonalities among customer requests."
  3. Visiting suppliers. "Many of our suppliers have beautiful new products that are now available to us, and we need to stock up as much as possible to ensure that we have enough supply to service our customer needs over the next few months."
  4. Updating prices. "Fluctuations in the base cost of our products, such as the rising costs of natural resources and transportation, have led to the need to adjust our prices for the 2006 year."
  5. A Christmas vacation. "We want to be well-rested and alert for the New Year, so we're going to take some time off ourselves to recuperate our minds and bodies and be better able to serve our customers."

"A rest at Christmas time isn't always for businesses to recover from their holiday rush. It's for businesses to prepare for a rush as well."

It looks like Hibiscus Florals will be very well-prepared for January.


Dr. Anthony Watanabe is the president of Innovolve, a progressive young conference management agency. The month of December is being used as a reorganization and preparation month for Innovolve, in order for the company to be prepared for their upcoming conferences and other projects.

What types of things are Anthony and Innovolve doing to prepare for January?

  1. Rebranding. "We're redoing all of our marketing materials, such as our logo and website, to ensure that our image and core beliefs as a company are accurately reflected. We look forward to the launch of our new-look corporate image in 2006, and we believe our target market will be very receptive to our message."
  2. Finishing of existing projects. "We're in the final stages of completion on our Sustainable Business Resource Centre website, and we'll be launching it in late 2005 to early 2006."
  3. New and existing client preparation. "We're going to be working on some exciting new projects involving graphic and web design for forward-thinking companies, as well as organizing unique and informative conferences in such fields as sustainability, green building, and business networking."
  4. Marketing preparation. "When we're done with our rebranding efforts, we look forward to promoting them both online and offline. We're in the process of developing a campaign to that end, as well as for those clients whose sites will be completed in the New Year."

Hibiscus Florals and Innovolve are two companies that are prepared to take advantage of the unique opportunities that preparing for January provides. Shouldn't you be taking advantage of these opportunities as well?

Keywords: Marketing, New Year's Marketing, planning, business planning, entrepreneurship

About the Author
Adam Senour, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
More Details about Small business marketing here.

Adam Senour is the owner of ADAM Web Design, a leading web design and development company in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



dehydration sign

dehydration symptom